Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Taking the "Sherman Flyer"

Last Thursday I showed Travalon the bus stop where I catch the 28 bus heading home, and he said, “Your face just lights up when you talk about mass transit!” I do love taking the 28 bus, which goes straight from the North Transfer Point to right outside my office building and runs every five minutes or so during peak hours. I had heard people talking about the 29, the “Sherman Flyer,” which supposedly goes more directly downtown from the Northside but only runs twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. In general this is not a good option for me, since I am often doing something downtown and need more options to go home. Also, I wasn’t sure where it picked up – “By the Walgreens” – but I had not noticed a bus stop there. However, as Travalon and I were walking to Bierock after the Mallards game on Saturday, I saw the bus stop right there. How had I never noticed it before? The 29 picks up at 7:02, and generally that is when I am getting into my car to head to the North Transfer Point, but this morning I woke up early and managed to get to the Walgreens bus stop well before seven. At first nobody else was there, so I was a little concerned that I had misunderstood, but two minutes before the bus came, about a dozen people descended upon the bus stop. I was ready for a grand adventure and got on the bus, which didn’t seem to get me to campus any faster than the 28. It goes down East Washington and around the Capitol Square and then down State Street, plus it stops a block away from my office building instead of right in front of it. This afternoon I will have to catch the 29 heading back or I will be stuck walking all the way from the North Transfer Point to the Walgreens, which probably isn’t that bad a walk on a lovely day like today. Anyway, I have seen the 29 going down State Street when I was going places after work, so I should be able to catch it. And that is my big Mass Transit Adventure for today.

Famous Hat

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