Friday, March 14, 2025

Jazz and Trains


Last night there was a total lunar eclipse. It was very late at night, so we didn't stay up to see it, but Travalon's high school buddy sent him a couple of photos.

This morning I had a dream that Rodney the Poodle and Callie the Calico Cat were still alive. (A few nights ago, I had a dream about a beautiful old church in a mall parking lot.) Travalon had a very interesting dream himself:

Fox News commentator:

“Here at Fox News I’m supposed to put a fake positive spin on the fact that Donald Trump is destroying the US economy with his unnecessary tariffs on our trading partners. I can’t do it, I can’t lie anymore. I want the US to dump Trump ASAP. and my colleague the mayor of my hometown of Frostbite Falls Minnesota would agree. He has a little poem to share with our viewers:

Welcome Bullwinkle J. Moose:"

“Dumpity Trumpity fell making a great big thumpity, and on his head he had a big old bumpity.. “

Today was the most beautiful day yet this week. I took a long walk at lunch, and right after I got done with work at five, I heard a train horn in the distance, so I went and sat on a rock at the entrance to our driveway, where I could see the tracks. I had to wait a few minutes, but soon the sound of the approaching train seemed to surround me, and then I saw it. That made me very happy.

When Travalon got home from work, we went downtown to hear jazz at the Hamel Music Center. I'd only been in the big concert hall before, but this was in the smaller concert hall to the side. The first half of the concert was the guest artist Terell Stafford with some jazz faculty, and that was excellent. The second half he played with the UW Jazz Orchestra, and that was a lot of fun too. The bassist and pianist were so good, but I'm not sure if they were students because they looked older than all those brass players. They closed both halves with Latin numbers, and the pianist was going nuts on the guajeo, so I was in Heaven. Then the director said, "We'll take a short break... and see you again in April." Ha! He fooled us! We thought he was going to say there was a third section to the concert.

As we were driving home, we saw a train coming down the track in the distance. We got to the crossing just in time for me to shoot this video:

Jazz and trains in one day! Does it get any better?

Famous Hat

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