Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Tux Duck in the Rosy Sunset Light


Today was very beautiful out, but I spent my lunch hour in the Lutheran church I used to sing in, attending an early music concert. I usually attend these alone, but today I saw a bandmate there, so I sat next to her, and then Kathbert came and sat on the other side of me. My OTHER former choir director played the organ during the all-choral concert, some Johann Christian Bach and some Schuetz and a couple of singalong JS Bach chorales, as well as a gorgeous piece by a guy I'd never heard of whose name escapes me. (I did save the program, so I can look him up, but it's at work and I'm at home.) Afterwards someone insisted on taking a photo of all us former and current choir members with our former director, but I have not seen it and am not sure if I ever will.

So I tried to take a slightly longer afternoon walk but didn't get a workout, and I tried to pray the rosary on the shuttle home but my shuttle buddy got on one decade in and we yakked the rest of the ride. When I got home, since it was very light now that we're on Central FAKE TIME, I prayed the rest of the rosary while walking outside, and that got me my workout. Then I prayed another rosary online with Anna Banana II. That's okay, I never got one in on Monday, so it all evens out. However, the walking cut into my attempt to catch up with recorded Colbert shows, so when Travalon came home, he left me to keep watching them and went down to the dock. He took some photos of the end of the sunset.

Tux Duck and his Lady Love swim in the rosy light.

The secret club I'm in is doing some Festival of Shenanigans that involves me having to download yet another app, and it wanted a profile photo but wouldn't take the ones I was trying to upload from my computer, so finally in frustration I just let it take a photo with my camera. And wouldn't you know that worked? Although this isn't the worst photo of me - it's way better than all those head shots I tried to take or have coworkers take back when the Guidepost people needed a headshot for my article.

Guess I should have sat back in my easy chair, laughed about how silly the whole thing was, and let my camera capture me. Still, the photo they used was way better. It was not a headshot but a crop of a photo my coworker took of me for our department website some time ago, before the pandemic. That coworker doesn't even work at the university anymore. He was named for a Norse god and had a baby he named after a constellation not long before getting a much higher-paying job in the private sector. I would see him around town with his wife and baby now and then, and he stopped in once or twice, but it's been a while. For all I know he now has another child named after, say, a theological concept, or a mountain. Or both: "Meet my daughter, Perichoresis Fuji. We call her Peri for short." That's just what happens, isn't it? We all say, "We'll stay in touch!" and we do... for a little while. Or we become friends on social media and then never see each other's posts because all we see are ads for stuff we'd never want. It's sad, but it's natural. Only a few people come into your life and stay there for good.

Famous Hat

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