Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cornish Fest Schwag

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately.  I am suffering from Cold #6473 this year, or at least that's how it feels.  To make up for my remissness (I guess that is a word - spell check isn't hating on it), I will tell you a little story:

Once there was a woman who lived in a crazy country.  How crazy?  They only had TWO political parties!  Can you believe that?  The woman did not know who to vote for, because she hated both parties:  the Democraps were in favor of killing unborn children, and the Repooplicans were trying like crazy to steal workers' wages.  Since both the shedding of innocent blood and withholding the laborer's wages are sins that cry to God for vengeance, the woman did not know who to vote for.  Then suddenly on the horizon appeared a third party, one that cared about The People, both born and preborn.... and then she woke up.

Anyway, here are some pictures I took while home sick today of the schwag I acquired at Cornish Fest a few weekends back.  The first thing, my prayer journal, is not particularly Celtic; it is a copy of the Lindau Gospel, which was made in Germany.  But I thought it was pretty, and for some reason they were selling it at one of the Celtocrap booths.

Here are some more things I bought, which actually have Celtic designs:



Shell-style top


It's cool and it's bronze

This last picture is of two little creatures I actually got at the art museum store just before going to see Wicked (because I hadn't spent enough money on the ticket or anything) - I couldn't decide which was cuter, the little monster or the crab, so I just got them both.  They were made by a local artist, and they don't have names yet so feel free to suggest names for one or both of them in the comments section.  And in case you were wondering, Wicked the musical is excellent but very different than the book.

Famous Hat

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