Monday, October 11, 2010

Norwegian Bunnies

Here are a couple of adorable pictures the fiddler from my band emailed me of Norwegian rabbits.  One of the places she stayed at during her recent trip to Norway used rabbits to cut the grass; the rabbits would be in a large cage, and they would trim the grass in that spot, and then the proprietor would move their cage to another spot that needed trimming.  This first picture is a pair of lop bunnies, kind of like Charlie except they have a lot more white and less calico on them than he does.

The proprietor set this little bunny too close to a plum tree, so instead of trimming the grass, it decided to trim the tree!

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

Well since they are Norwegian, I can say plysj!

Famous Hat said...

Feel free to call Charlie and Cashmere plysj too, even if they are all-American. They are still very plush.