Sunday, April 3, 2022

Blacklight Birthday Card


Today after Mass and brunch with the regulars, Travalon and I went to Okee to check out the bird scene. We saw tons of gulls and pelicans, some eagles sitting on the ice in the distance, and a lone loon. As we walked along the road, we also saw buffleheads and red-breasted mergansers. Then we drove to the causeway out to Tipperary Road and saw lots of birds there too, gulls and pelicans and all sorts of ducks: northern shovelers, blue-winged teals, scaups, red-breasted mergansers, common mergansers, and hooded mergansers. For some reason seeing all those birds on the water made me so happy.

Then we went to Rich's house, bringing the lotus paste buns because he has a steamer. I did my Irish class on Rich's iPad while Travalon went to the zoo, then Kathbert came over with the birthday card I had made for her years ago that I claimed would glow in blacklight. And guess what? It does! Rich made dinner while I took care of the lotus buns, which were delicious. Then Kathbert took my little air plants to take care of them while we're on our trip, and I went to band practice while Travalon went to the bookstore-coffee shop-bar that he loves. At band practice, the other ladies (who are more chronologically enhanced than I am) scared me into thinking maybe the problem with my right wrist isn't just tendonitis but actually arthritis, since it isn't getting better. Yikes! 

Here are photos of the birthday card and the rosary I got at the mall yesterday under blacklight:

Here are a couple of pelican photos. I will put more on the blog tomorrow.

I don't know what this guy is doing, but I love the face he is making.

Travalon took nearly two hundred photos today, and Boethius was very slow in uploading them, so it is late and I have to work tomorrow. More photos tomorrow!

Famous Hat

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