Thursday, April 14, 2022

Holy Thursday Mass


Today was sort of frustrating because I got back from lunch and couldn't get back into my work computer. I got on my phone and asked coworkers if there was a power outage on campus, but finally it dawned on me, when I saw my computer wasn't charging, that the power outage was here at home. In the daylight it's not so obvious that the power is out. Fortunately the power did come back on within a couple of hours. Of course I had to reset my clock, which is no big deal, but the real pain was resetting the timer on Plant World. I didn't realize it was out of whack until it was well after nine and the light was still on, so I set it back an hour. We'll see how it does tomorrow...

It was really, really windy today, so much so that they shut down the Merrimac Ferry. I'm sure that's why our power went out, and then I was too afraid to do the laundry because the wind was still bad, and what a pain if the power went out in the middle of doing the laundry! I had been thinking of going to Holy Thursday Mass with the Bishop at 7:30 this evening, but with the wind I didn't want to drive so far in my little car - who wants to get blown off the road? I went to St. Peter's by our house at 6:30, and then it was a bit of a letdown because the music was just okay, and they didn't even do the foot washing. I'll bet the Bishop's Mass was really majestic. Still, as I get older, I regret my previous snotty attitude that only beautiful Masses are worthwhile, because some of the least charitable people I've encountered are very into the proper liturgy. Beauty in liturgy is a wonderful thing, but not at the expense of charity. Not every church musician can be my OTHER choir director, and no need to run people down when they're just doing the best they can. Chasing people off because they aren't deemed sufficiently reverent isn't really what Jesus would do. At my age I'd rather be with people singing lame music off-key but full of love than people who go through all the motions properly but look down on everyone else. What mystifies me is why this happens. Why can't we have reverence AND charity? Is that too much to ask?

Famous Hat

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