Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Final Four (Bach Chorales)


Today I went to a Just Bach concert over my lunch hour, and the theme was the "Final Four." Apparently there was a bracket for voting for various Bach chorales, and I am glad to tell you that the Lenten chorales really prevailed. One was the tune "O Sacred Head Now Wounded," and another was "Ah, Holy Jesus." We got to sing along on them, and then the professionals performed a Bach cantata and we sang the final chorale on that one too, which was the tune to "Christ Lag in Todesbande." I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one grooving on the minor key jams! Then afterwards Pete the Sailor Man and the guy Travalon and I went hiking with right at the beginning of the pandemic invited me to join them at the Slow Food lunch, but of course by then they were out of most of the food, so I got a tiny piece of goat cheese pesto pizza and a tiny piece of blackberry cobbler. What I had was delicious. Pete got a tiny bit of salad with his, but another couple who were with us got nothing. There were refunds all around.

Here are some recent pictures from Travalon's phone. First is the pond with the island in it at Lapham Peak.

These are the coots in Brittingham Bay that we saw on Easter Sunday.

And these are photos from the light show at the Brit Floyd concert Travalon went to.

I didn't go to the concert, since as you can guess from the name, Brit Floyd is a Pink Floyd tribute band, and I am not a fan. Travalon loves classic rock, and I like some of it, like Led Zeppelin and Steely Dan. We do agree on other genres of music, like 1940's jazz and reggae, so we can usually find something to agree on in the car. He will never like early music, and I will never like Pink Floyd, and we're fine with that.

Famous Hat

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