Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Photos from Patrick Marsh and Whalen's Marsh


For whatever reason, today Boethius my computer was able to upload the photos from Travalon's card, so here are some photos from Saturday. First are photos from Patrick marsh. These are the tiny ruddy ducks. I love their blue bills, bright ruddy color, and tails that stick up at a jaunty angle.

Lady Mallard curtsying to her Lord.

I'm pretty sure these are lesser scaups.

I love the crest on this red-breasted merganser! It's like he has a mid-80's mohawk.

More ruddy ducks - there were a lot of ruddy ducks.

This canvasback seems to be looking at the duck flying above him, which I can't identify. Maybe a scaup?

And of course, we saw lots of pelicans.

One fluffy pelican.

Two fluffy pelicans. They're as fluffy as Michaela!

More ruddy ducks.

Here are a couple of shots of the male canvasback.

Here is a female bufflehead with a male ruddy duck.

More fluffy pelicans. It was windy that day, so maybe the wind was fluffing up their feathers.

Here is a great blue heron standing in the water...

... and then it flew away.

These photos are from Whalen's Marsh, along the causeway to Tipperary Road. We saw northern shovelers and coots.

It looks like Travalon took these photos yesterday around our neighborhood. Here is a crane, hiding in the marsh grass, which is what they do best besides bugling.

Here is Lord Cardinal.

Today I had a meeting at 9:00, one at 10:00, one at 11:30, and one at 1:00. Still, I found time to go out and walk on the Lakeshore Path. This isn't the best photo, since I took it with my cell phone, but the coots were standing on the dock by the boathouse.

If you look closely, you can see their little feet are like a chicken's, not a duck's. I wish Travalon had been there with his good camera to zoom in on them. They are such funny little birds.

Famous Hat

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