Tuesday, February 27, 2024

RIP Travalon's Mom


Yesterday I worked on campus and took a walk with my colleague. We talked about my trip, and then I walked up Bascom Hill and got lots of staircases and vigorous minutes. As you can see, there wasn't much to say, so I didn't blog.

Today was my day to work from home, but I had a meeting on campus first thing in the afternoon, so since Travalon went to a rock concert with his buddy last night and got home late, he said let's sleep later and he would take me in when he left for work. That worked well for me; I got a lot of work done at home in the morning, then I went to my meeting and got more done in the afternoon. Meanwhile, Travalon got a call that his mom was going downhill, so he left work and drove out to see her, but he just missed her last breath by ten minutes. 

It was a gorgeous day out, reaching 70 at one point (in FEBRUARY???), so I enjoyed my walk down State Street to Adoration. I did stop for a bite at a coffee house first, and a woman talked at me, so I felt bad, thinking she must be very lonely but I had to go to Adoration. I thought Travalon might hang out in Oconomowoc with his brothers, but he came back and picked me up. He is very sad, of course. He will write an obituary for her soon that I will post here.

Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 20's - this weather could give a person whiplash! When we got home, we saw a lot of heat lightning to the north and east, and then the wind really picked up. This has nothing to do with the weather, but I found a little box around the house that fits Niko perfectly, so I've been using it to take Niko to work. When I showed Travalon, he said, "It's the Niko Nook!" 

Famous Hat

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