Thursday, February 1, 2024

Ming at Work


This will probably be my last blog post before I start posting from the road. I don't have too much to say. At lunch I walked with my colleague again, and she said she would start reading this blog again once we are on the road. She asked if she had a name on my blog, and I said no, since my habit was to use people's email addresses, but I only know her work email address, which of course is her real name. So maybe we should think of a name for her on this blog. Any ideas? Then I went up the stairs on Bascom Hill again, but this time I only got credit for three staircases, not five. What the heck?? There are the same number of stairs as yesterday - why does my phone think there are two less staircases? This is how random it is. At least I got credit for some vigorous move minutes.

Since I don't have much to say today, enjoy a photo of the yarn I had sent to Ma Hat. It's supposed to glow under blacklight, so I asked if she could knit a cuddly rosary out of it, and she said sure. 

And here is a photo of Travalon's three Sinclair Dinos.

This is Travalon's red panda warmie, Ming.

This time of year, when the weather is cooler, Ming has to work. (He gets the summer off.) Here he is, being warmed up in the microwave.

I don't dare warm up my axolotl, since the previous one got a hole burned in it. I still have that one, but it's sitting here in the living room, waiting to be fixed up. 

I can't wait until the cuddly rosary is done and I can see if it glows under my blacklight. I promise to post a photo of that!

Famous Hat

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