Monday, December 16, 2024

A Poem for ABC


It was a quiet but productive day of working from home for me. I thought maybe Travalon was going to come home with a new script for Get Kraken with Jerry, but he's said nothing about it, so it's my turn to be creative. This is a poem I wrote for ABC regarding their recent settlement of a lawsuit:

Don't ever commit a crime;
Obey your conscience every time;
In every circumstance, it's sound to
Advance the peace you want around you.

If it doesn't make sense, just read the first word of each line.

I don't have any photos, but Ma Hat did send some Advent photos: her wreath, the felt Advent calendar she made herself (and we had back when I was a kid), and some photos of the Pope's Mass in Corsica, where they were wearing pink vestments for Gaudete Sunday.

As you can see, these are from EWTN, the station that is the summation of everything that's wrong in American Catholicism today. I never watch it, but Ma Hat apparently does. However, since she's not Catholic, maybe it's not corrupting her...? It's just part of the wider complex of very rich people who get all us little people to argue over nonissues like "wokeism" while they are making sure all the money flows to the top. Then people wonder why life is so hard, and nobody is having children (because they can't afford them due to the money flowing upwards, duh) and everyone is overweight (because corporations put addictive substances in our food to sell more, duh) and there are school shootings all the time (because corporations want to sell unlimited amounts of firearms with no restrictions, duh). There was one here today in Madtown... at a Christian school. I would not call this shocking; I would call it inevitable. The people who claim the loudest to be Christian are the ones most in thrall to the horrible system set up by the oligarchs, and so they are the first to fall victim to it. Don't obey in advance.

Famous Hat

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