Tuesday, December 10, 2024

More About My Knee Woes


Today I worked from home, and midday I went to my appointment at Sports Medicine. They took a bunch of x-rays of my knees, then a doctor met with me for like five minutes to tell me what happened is that I have some mild arthritis in my knees, so when I injured the right one, it flared up. Okay, so it is just about me being old... and fat, because she said she was going to refer me to Physical Therapy and to the Weight Management Program. Then I met briefly with a physical therapist who gave me four exercises to do. I have to do each one ten times on each side, and then do the whole sequence two more times. I did it tonight, and it was a pain, but now I feel kind of warm and wonderful.

At Adoration tonight, I heard a raucous party upstairs. Tomorrow should be the big party for Our Lady of Guadalupe, so maybe it was just a practice session. There were also people in the church hall, and one told me I was welcome to come tomorrow. It's tempting - I'm so happy that people are making a joyful noise unto the Lord at my old church again.

Here are some photos from this weekend that Travalon took with his good camera. First, the Show Dome in Milwaukee.

Here are photos from the Desert Dome.

We don't know what this globe on the ceiling was, but it was cool!

There were a couple of doves in there.

And here are photos from the Tropical Dome.

And here are photos from the Christmas display by the Cathedral.

On Sunday we went to the dog park near our house so we could see the birds on the water. Here are some mallards.

It was really fun going to the dog park, because all the dogs wanted to say hi, and none of the people seemed to notice that we didn't have a dog ourselves. Is it weird to go to a dog park without a dog?

Here is the best photo Travalon took of the swans at Cherokee Marsh.

And here are a couple of photos of the sunset at the marsh.

And here are some photos Travalon took of houses we saw on Sunday night.

And of course it's time for some more DuoLingo bragging.

Between having to do my knee exercises and my DuoLingo lessons, I'll never get to bed on time!

Famous Hat

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