Friday, October 10, 2008

Smackdown: Boethius vs. Heisenberg

B: (sitting alone in jail cell) Philosophy has finally helped me reconcile predestination and free will. God doesn't affect our choices by His knowledge of which path we will choose, because He sees all our actions - past, present, and future - in the Eternal Now.


B: Werner Heisenberg, my mortal enemy!

H: So, Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius - we meet again! Don't you know that the act of obervation directly affects the act being observed?

B: Yes, but is that effect in every reference frame or only in my own reference frame?

H: Certainly in your own reference frame.

B: And could God not exist in ALL reference frames?

H: Hmm... I'm not certain.

So you, my loyal readers, get to weigh in. Who takes this round: philosophy or science? Inductive or deductive reasoning? Since there are only three of you, it shouldn't be a tie!

Famous Hat

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