Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Why me? Why not?

You may be asking yourself two questions:

1. Who am I?
2. Why am I writing a blog?

The answers are:

1. Nobody in particular, but I bring the following to the table: a depth of knowledge on a breadth of subjects, Plant World, and a famous hat.

2. Because a banjo player said I should.

Plant World is a plant shelter, I won't say the only one in the world because I don't know that for a fact, but it is the only one I know of. I don't have any photos of Plant World, being a Luddite who does not own a cell phone, TV, or working camera, but if there is any demand for such a thing, I have friends and they have cameras. Living in a college town, I have acquired quite a collection of thrown-out plants, some of them quite large, and now I am wondering how to get tax-exempt status so I can write off my electric and water bills. Feel free to send donations to help the abandoned plants! Here is a heartbreaking true plant story:

Nola was thrown from a balcony in the French Quarter and landed right in front of Famous Hat. I was beneath Famous Hat at the time, and since I cannot stand to see a plant suffer, I offered to take her home, a distant place with cold winters. Luckily during the bleak months I have a warm, safe place called Plant World where Nola and dozens of other unwanted flora can flourish.

My hat truly is famous. It is featured prominently on a state park website and will appear in a textbook that is required reading for all 4th graders in my state. It was also featured on a segment of the local news about Catholic reaction to the Pope's funeral. The next day everyone said, "I saw you on TV!" but really they just saw my hat. My hat has been all over, including Teotihuacan, Cozumel, and of course New Orleans. That will be the topic of my next blog since, being a Luddite, I do not have internet access at home and will have to write this on my lunch break, which is almost over.

Famous Hat


Richard Bonomo said...

generic comment (for the first entry)

Anonymous said...

As plysj do things to other plysj