Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Cat Is the Hat

Last night for Epiphany we did exactly nothing at Our Lady of Perpetual Sobriety because "Epiphany" was moved to last Sunday, so I was forced to celebrate with the Lutherans. As they always do, the Lutherans marked the occasion with a potluck and then singing. Being ultra-polite (or as they say, "Minnesota nice" although this is not Minnesota), nobody would eat the last bite of anything at the potluck so we all had one scoop of food left in our serving dishes. That made cleaning up quite interesting!

Then I went home and played with my menagerie. For footage of Aimee and Allie, watch this:

(That is Hardingfele, not me, making the un-PC crack about them!)

I know a woman who was once in the Peace Corps in Lesotho, and she said it was like living in a Dr. Seuss book. The people in Lesotho (which is pronounced "Lesootoo") are called the Besotho (pronounced "Besootoo") and speak Sesotho (pronounced - how else? - "Sesootoo"). Then there are the giant aloe vera trees everywhere, which she says look like the bizarre vegetation in Dr. Seuss's tomes. To top it all off (so to speak), her cat disappeared one day, and not long after that she saw a man wearing a hat that looked oddly familiar. At that she decided she should write a Seussian book of her adventures in Lesotho, and of course the title would be The Cat Is the Hat. So far as I know, however, she has not done so, thus depriving the world of this moving story until this very moment.

In case you were wondering what a cat as a hat looked like, here is a picture of my office mate's kitten sleeping on her husband's head. (It's my officemate's husband, not the kitten's.)

Famous Hat


Olivia said...

Awww how plush. What an adorable ragdoll kitten! The question is did the dude from Lesotho eat the cat or just skin it for the fur?

Famous Hat said...

Obviously Ms. Peace Corps couldn't know the answer to that, but she assumed he ate the cat. She had an even more harrowing story about a horse she had in Lesotho, and when it broke its leg and had to be shot, the villagers had a big feast and couldn't understand why she wouldn't join them, since she had provided the food.

Olivia said...

I would think she would ask.....
Since we just lost a cat, the thought of cooking it or wearing it as a hat is very disconcerting. There is a place that stuffs your pet, but even that seems a bit odd. I mean would love to look at Oskar and hold him one more time, but have to realize that I am only holding the shell of Oskar. The life essence of Oskar is not there and that stuffed thing is only collecting dust.
See the links - cute and creepy at the same time
and this
for only $750 you too can do this and these guys are a bit cheaper.