Monday, January 12, 2009

Visual Acuity Quiz

Here is the first Famous Hat Visual Acuity Quiz: What is the object pictured below?

a. mouse neural cell
b. a piece of modern art
c. pure evil

What your answers reveal about you:

a. You may think you are a scientific nerd, but you are fooling only yourself. What kind of cell has a giant red organelle in the center? You spend a lot of time trying to impress others by reading People magazine hidden inside A Brief History of Time.

b. You are either very creative or, more likely, extremely pretentious. I could easily sell you a pile of dirt with a shovel stuck into it for a cool 35K, as long as I called it The Tribulations of Mankind. On second thought, you are a WONDERFUL individual. You should stop by sometime and see the vast art collection I keep in my basement storage unit.

c. You are obviously a person of great intelligence and good taste. Why would anyone eat something in the nightshade family, which also includes the deadly belladonna? It's fine to cook these with oregano, or dice them up and mix them with cilantro and hot peppers, but how incredibly vile to simply slice one up and stick it on a sandwich, where its slimy little seeds will stick to the lettuce and impart its hideous flavor long after the offending piece of vegetal matter has been safely removed. And if you are one of those wackadoos who eat these things like apples, there's simply no hope for you.

Just another culinary service message from Famous Hat

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