Thursday, December 3, 2009

Famous Hat Logic Test

Question: In the picture below, which figure is Famous Hat?

a. the tree - isn't she always writing from the point of view of a plant?
b. the woman - duh
c. the hat - DUH

What your answers say about you:

a. You are a very peaceful person with a great deal of imagination and creativity. You love beauty and harmony. Logic, however, is not your strong point.

b. You are one of those people who are slavishly obedient to arbitrary rules like the speed of light in a vacuum. If your life were a color, it would be ecru. Possibly taupe.

c. Congratulations!! You have won the Famous Hat Logic Test! Your score is 100% and your prize is bragging rights.

(Photo credit: Richard Bonomo. Palm Tree Fan has MAD SKILLZ with PhotoShop!)

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Hardingfele and Plysj said...

I chose see, duh, of course the hat. Check my facebook comment to your photo. You will see an allusion to the erasing of Bridge Burner