Thursday, December 24, 2009

Special Holiday Guest Blogger

Merry Christmas, everyone! What Richard Bonomo wanted for Christmas was a post written by ee cummings. It wasn't easy digging him up, so to speak, but I did what I could.

eskimos or as they are known
(in some circles) inuits; have
54 words for snow -

i look at snow and think how
can we sum this wondrous
stuff up in one

clearly there is snowball
snow: for making snowmen and
snow forts and even, in the backyard of
famous hat - a snow loch ness monster

powder snow like sugar or even (it
may be said) cocaine - this is good
snow for skiing/per famous hat

hardingfele has professional
skis which can be
waxed and used in many snows, maybe
all 54 inuit - or eskimo - varieties

she found the snow today quite
enjoyable as she and famous hat

tho it was clearly snowman snow

famous hat begged to differ as
her no-wax skis stuck to the snow


1 comment:

Hardingfele and Plysj said...

Here is a haiku

Ironing and scraping
Layers of wax inside
Forget why you ski