Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sonnet for hUBIE

Hardingfele, Toque McToque, and I are having this bizarre email conversation about whether certain people I work with are reading my blog. If they are, then I hope they enjoy this sonnet I wrote for one of their number. If not, then my regular readers can enjoy it.

How do I detest thee? Let me count the ways.
With the depth and breadth of thy lack of knowledge,
Thy amazing dearth of imagination and empathy,
The empty void that is thy sense of fairness,
And the vacuum of thy common sense.
I detest thee for the little things,
Like writing my name famous hat in emails
Because we both know I deserve no capitalization.
I detest thee for the large things, like saying thou wilt do something,
Then not doing it, and blaming me for the fact it wasn’t done
And having a meeting to discuss how much I suck
And summing it all up in a letter full of goals as concrete
As a cumulonimbus cloud.
But most of all I detest thee for that nasty smirk on thy face,
And the way thou art all “Hail Fellow Well Met” around others
And the fount of all evil when no one else is around.
So I will sum up the wonder of thee in just a few words:


Famous Hat


Richard Bonomo said...

Well, I shall write your name, FAMOUS HAT in all caps to try to make up for your nemesis' bad practice in this regard. Otherwise, I see that your post, as usual, beats around the bush, and leaves your faithful readers wondering what you really think of the matter. Or not.

Famous Hat said...

So it's too subtle?

WV - Isestosp. Sounds like King Tut's mom.