Here are some photos from Rich's garden. This is the last rose blooming on his bush; guess I was too late because even it is past its prime.
My lilies have tons of buds but are not blooming yet. However, the lilies that Kathbert brought back from Mombert's house are putting on a spectacular show, even if this photo doesn't quite do them justice.
The hostas in the front yard bloom purple.
One of my calla lilies is about to open, and I believe it is going to be white.
And now that we have cleared away all the Virginia creeper, we can see that the row of honeysuckle bushes bloom white.
Technically wooly mullein is a weed, but it's too cool to pull out.
Representing the vegetables, here is the zucchini plant in bloom.
When Kathbert cleared away a bunch of Virginia creeper, she discovered a patch of lily of the valley hidden below.
Now for some mystery plants. If anyone can identify one (or more) of these, please let me know. The first one was hidden near the lilies of the valley and looks a little like a strawberry, but I'm not sure that is actually what it is.
What is this adorable little seedling? Is it a baby redbud? A baby lilac?
There is a larger example in the front of this photo, and I would also like to know what the lovely purple shrub is. Anyone recognize it?
Here are a couple of ground covers. The first one was growing feral in my neighborhood, but I am quite sure it is not a weed. It gets little star-shaped yellow flowers on it.
This second one was being thrown out by a neighbor. Hope it wasn't a mistake for me to rescue it! Is it going to take over everything? I thought it was such a pretty chartreuse.
Feel free to tell me in the comments what these plants might be. Thanks!
Famous Hat