Saturday, June 4, 2011

Photos of Flowers

The rosebush in Richard Bonomo's garden is covered with buds that should open any day, and the Landini lilies also have buds.  By the end of the month, I should have some fantastic photos to share with you of outdoor flowers.  Meanwhile, enjoy these photos of indoor flowers:

Here is a story about my Christmas cacti:  the wooden stand they were on was rickety and old, and a couple of weeks ago I came home to find that my darling bunnies had knocked it over, breaking it and spilling dirt everywhere.  They were happily munching on the poor cacti when I came upon this disaster.  Now all my plants are out on my balcony, safe from wily lagomorphs.

Here is a photo of my orchid in full bloom.  I immediately knocked these blooms off after taking this picture (not on purpose, of course) and one was totally destroyed but the other floated around happily in a bowl of water for over a week.  The plant now has new buds on it so hopefully there will be more blossoms to take pictures of and post here.

Famous Hat

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