Wednesday, July 13, 2016

More Early Music Festival

Sorry for my silence yesterday. I have been busy with the Early Music Festival, since Tiffy was in town. Monday evening her niece wanted to meet Rich and Travalon, so we all met for dinner at Himal Chuli’s and then got some gelato after dinner. Then Tiffy, her niece, and I went grocery shopping at the place downtown that is open all night. Lots of interesting people in there! There was one guy wearing a shirt with a marijuana leaf on it, and he looked like he had been indulging in some of it.

Yesterday Tiffy, the Daughter of Denni, and I met for dinner at Portabella’s, since you can sit outside there, then we went to another concert for the Early Music Festival. This one was the Baltimore Consort doing music associated with Shakespeare’s plays, and the animated soprano mostly wore a lovely evening gown, but she also dressed up as a gravedigger and as Puck, the mischievous fairy (or whatever he is) from Midsummer’s Night Dream. This group had been at the Early Music Festival a decade ago, and at that time the soprano was really pregnant. It didn’t feel like that long ago, but then we were thinking how that kid is now probably going into fifth grade, and that puts it in perspective. Can you believe this is the 17th Early Music Festival? Apparently when they did the first one, they had no idea it would become an annual event, but now it is one of the premier early music festivals in the whole country. And we are so lucky that it is in our town! I could go on and on about how wonderful we have it in Madison, except for the winters. If we could only do something about those, this place would be just about perfect.

Famous Hat

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