Monday, July 17, 2023

Not a Manic Monday At All


Mondays are so relaxing when I can work from home. When the alarm went off, for a moment I was confused and thought I'd accidentally set it on a Sunday, but then I remembered we had gone to Mass yesterday. I got up, had a leisurely cup of coffee, logged in, got lots of work done (and lots of laundry!), and talked to my boss who was back from a week's vacation. He says our usual staff meeting on Wednesday will be in the afternoon this week, on the Union Terrace, so that's something to look forward to. I walked with my neighbor, and after work we played pickleball. When Travalon came home, I asked if he'd like to swim or play tennis, and he said tennis so we didn't have to drive to the health club. That made sense, it was a little cooler today and perfect for sports outdoors but not so perfect for swimming. Then I asked if he would be okay with just sitting on the dock, since the pickleball had worn me out and I realized I didn't want to play tennis. He thought that sounded like a grand idea, so we sat on the dock drinking a beer before dinner. If Mondays were always this relaxing, I would never dread them.

I took a photo of the leopard-patterned rosary I got at the shrine in Champion, but it's not downloading from the cloud, so enjoy this photo of cedar cones that my neighbor took.

I took this photo of a balloon on the sign for the Betty Lou Cruises. It seems familiar.

So I just googled it, and it's called an Eye Spot Balloon, or a Scare Eye Balloon. It's supposed to keep birds away. I'm not sure why they put it on their sign - did birds like to mess with it? I personally would be more worried about people messing with it, but that balloon probably wouldn't scare most people off. It wouldn't scare me off, since as my regular readers know, I love things with eyes on them. Looks like I could get my own set of a white one, a yellow one, and a black one for $33.33. Maybe something to keep in mind for our dock, since the fake owls we have out there don't seem to do much for keeping the birds away.

Famous Hat

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