Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Smackdown Stream of Conscience

Last night was very snowy, so I decided not to attend an astronomy talk with Rich on his side of town, although it did sound interesting. He also wanted to grab dinner at a fast food restaurant, which may be a selling point in his world, but is not much of one in mine. Instead I stayed home and had a substitute slow food meal.

Hamburger on white bread bun – I substituted sandwich of homemade bread with artisan cheese

French fries – I substituted roasted pumpkin seeds

Chocolate shake – I substituted a pumpkin smoothie

And what has that got to do with the title of this post? Nothing, but this post will have something to do with the title of the post, as soon as I tell you that one of our trainees is a Horny Toad or whatever you call a TCU alum, and she was watching the Rose Bowl with another trainee who was not amused when she wore her Horny Toad shirt. When I told Toque McToque this story, she said good thing the Texas trainee didn’t get beaten up, and I said she could totally take the other trainee, but Sock Puppet could take her, and our really crazy coworker Snowflake could take them all down.

“How many people were at this Rose Bowl party?” Toque asked in astonishment, and I realized she thought I meant Sock Puppet and Snowflake were there as well. So then I had to explain that they weren’t at this party at all, I was just thinking of who could take down whom in a Smackdown Stream of Conscience.

Famous Hat

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