Friday, January 28, 2011

What Up?

So I know this woman who says that the first thing men tell her is: “We’ll never be more than friends.” What up? The only guy who ever told me that was someone I had been friends with for years, and we were sitting on his bed talking after I had gone through a bad breakup, so I can see where maybe he was afraid I was looking at him as a rebound relationship. But to have someone you just met say that??? My reply would be: “I wasn’t thinking anything so serious. How about we just remain acquaintances?”

This morning I went to recycle some coffee, and two other coworkers were having a meeting in the bathroom. What up? I mean, there is no room in there. But I started thinking that, in this time of extreme budget cuts, maybe they will begin using the restrooms as conference rooms. I can just imagine the online reservation form:

What room would you like to reserve? The following are available:

Trainey Conference Room. Seats 25. Amenities: wi-fi, projector.
Closetlike Conference Room. Seats 8. Amenities: table.
Lavatory Conference Room. Seats 2. Amenities: running water.

So in Egypt they are going crazy because they are “following Tunisia’s lead.” What up? I kind of don’t remember them going so crazy in Tunisia that they were burning down politicians’ offices. If Egypt's president was at all intelligent, he would skedaddle like the dude from Tunisia did, but where can you go and not be ceaselessly mocked when your first name is Hosni? Not my hometown of Rooster, that’s for darn sure! His nickname would be “Hoser” before he had gotten his forwarding address changed.

Famous Hat

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