Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pulp Incunabula

Tiffy recently decided that Kathbert is Richard Bonomo's Wife #1 and I am his Wife #2; this was after Rich got sick and Kathbert called the doctor's office but I was the one who knew his date of birth offhand.  Tiffy has added more wives lately, like Anna Banana II is Wife #3 and she herself is Wife #4.  I told Jilly Moose and OK Cap that if they kept hanging around, they might become Wives #5 and #6.  Luxuli is safe because she has a husband already, but her Pomeranian was flirting so madly with Rich the other night that we joked she would like to become his wife too.

Kathbert keeps insisting that I should be Wife #1, so we came up with Spousal Credit Units, or SCUs (pronounced skoos) so that we can assign them to each other and bump the other one further up the uxorial scale.  Suddenly today Kathbert got an unfair advantage, thanks to the Mothership:  Rich has a bad case of laryngitis, and when the Mothership called, she thought he was being stubborn about insisting he is not sick, so she asked to speak to me.  By name.  The worst part is that Tiffy, who started the whole thing, was there to witness it.  (And so was Anna Banana II.)  They all laughed and said the Mothership had spoken, I was Wife #1, and since I could not prove Kathbert had plotted the whole thing with the Mothership beforehand, I had to accept several thousand SCUs.  (The Mothership wanted me to make sure Rich did not talk too much today, and that he drank some tea with lemon and honey.)  So now I need a real miracle to bump Kathbert back up over me in the ratings.

Anyway, while Tiffy was in town, we created a techno song called "Pulp Incunabula."  (I did all the work and she just offered some opinions about beats and stuff.)  We thought this was an oxymoron, that incunabula were handwritten books from before the printing press, but in fact they are the earliest books created on the printing press, from 1450 to 1501 (an end date that was arbitrarily assigned), and there were some trashy romance novels printed... so pulp incunabula DID exist!  Tiffy had to head home before I finished completely, then Kathbert helped me make the video, which she ultimately felt was too educational and detracted from the coolness of the song.  What can you do?  I needed to make a video in order to post it on this blog, since I do not know how to post sound files.  I will let you, gentle readers, decide for yourselves if this video seems too pedantic for the song.

Famous Hat

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