Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Card Mix-Up

I have a lot to do and not a lot to say, but my blogging may be somewhat sporadic for the next few days so it’s worth putting something up as a post, even if it isn’t my most scintillating writing. Yesterday I ordered personalized Christmas cards from a pharmacy that will remain nameless, and they emailed me midday to say they were ready. After work I happily picked them up, went home, and started making dinner. When Travalon came home, I wanted to show him our cards, but to my horror they had given us the wrong cards, and I couldn’t leave in the middle of making dinner. Because Travalon is a prince among men, he ran over to the pharmacy and picked up our Christmas cards, which had already been returned by the other couple who erroneously received them. (And I’m sure they were happy to get their own cards!) Better yet, Nameless Pharmacy gave us a generous gift card for our inconvenience! Then I made cookies for our cookie exchange at work today. Five of us participated, so I don’t have nearly the dazzling variety I used to get at the cookie exchanges at my previous job, when we would have over a dozen people participate. I made peanut butter blossoms, which are one of my favorites and are very easy – the hard part is unwrapping the chocolate kisses that go on each cookie. Then tonight and/or tomorrow I will make the cassata for Rich’s dinner, but this year Travalon and I are going to Ma and Pa Hat’s for Christmas Dinner. Wishing a very Merry Christmas to all 5.6 of my faithful readers!

Famous Hat

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