Travalon and I got a book about Chinese astrology from the bookstore in the mall some time ago, and last night I finally looked at it. For many years I had thought I was a Rat, but my birthday is before Lunar New Year, so actually I'm a Pig. But wouldn't you know that by month I am a Rat? I can't say what my Day Sign is because you need a huge chart, and my Hour Sign is a Rabbit. Pigs are supposed to have few friends but lots of acquaintances. Is this true for me? Maybe. Anyway, Travalon is a Snake, and Pigs and Snakes are supposed to be the worst match. Oddly, we are also supposed to be a bad match in Western Astrology, since Sagittarius and Capricorn are not supposed to be compatible. But Sagittarius is known for being adventurous, which makes a perfect match for me - when I say, "Hey, while we're down south during Mardi Gras season, why don't we go to a Mardi Gras parade?" then Travalon says, "Sure!" and finds one.
Speaking of being a Capricorn, I am really getting fed up with the clickbait stories that come up when I go to search for something, because whoever writes them obviously hates Capricorns and Scorpios. If it's something bad, like, "These are the three most vengeful signs," then either Capricorn or Scorpio will be the worst, and the other will be the second worst. But anything good, like "The most popular signs" or "The most generous signs," and guaranteed that neither of us is on the list. I don't know a lot of Scorpios, so I have nobody to commiserate with, and the ones I do know probably don't care, but I've never met a Capricorn who isn't interested in astrology. Except maybe our chair, because when I mentioned that Travalon and I are incompatible signs, she said, "How can you believe that nonsense?" I was curious if her husband is a Sagittarius, since he seems to contain all the wisdom of the world, but obviously I can't just ask her. Maybe someday his birthday will come up in conversation...
Famous Hat