Wednesday, February 1, 2023

My Sign Is "In a Meeting": Illustrated!


Today at work we spent the first hour or so cleaning the common areas. Then I had to cancel yet more hotel rooms because apparently a guest speaker fell for an online scam when applying for a visa, and he didn't find out until arriving at the airport that his visa wasn't valid. How much does that suck?? At least the hotel waived the cancellation fee because it was beyond his control that he couldn't come, and it wasn't an issue with the other hotels because it was more than 24 hours' notice. Yesterday I had to cancel hotel rooms for someone else who couldn't come because our country won't let anyone in who has a criminal record, even if it's for protesting as a college student decades earlier. I mean, really? That is not what I would call a hardened criminal. People shouldn't even have to go to jail for protesting the government, if they're not actually causing damage or injuring people, but unfortunately that's not how it works in a lot of places - sometimes it seems like people get stricter punishments for protesting than others do for actual murder. Certainly in this country it often seem like rapists get light sentences. Puzzling, that.

As promised, here is the photo our chair took of me wearing my "In a Meeting" sign.

I hope it was worth the wait.

Famous Hat

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