Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Jewbacca Live at Cafe Montmartre


Happy Mardi Gras! For some reason the local gyro place had a Mardi Gras menu today, so I am full of jambalaya, hush puppies, and beignets. Yesterday at work was harsh, and I didn't feel like doing a single thing afterwards. Today was just as busy, but I was working from home, so aside from a couple of meetings, I didn't really have to see people. Our accumulated mail was delivered today, and there was a package for me from Canada. I had no memory of ordering anything, until I opened it and saw what was inside.

Half my lifetime ago, there was a jazz club called Cafe Montmartre up on the Capitol Square, and I remembered seeing a group called Jewbacca there. I googled them, and you really can find anything on the internet because I found a CD called "Jewbacca Live at Cafe Montmartre." It was only a buck and a half - and this is in Canadian dollars - so the postage was more than the CD. 

When I left for Adoration, I put the CD in, and there aren't words in the English language to describe how fantastic it is. It's just as cool as the name would lead you to believe. It's not straight-up klezmer like Yid Vicious, but more jazzy and even a bit Latin. I've never heard Jewish Latin jazz before. It's shtetl salsa! This evening I found one of the founders on Linked In, and he's now working for NASA on some Mars project, but I did shoot him a message to find out if Jewbacca ever recorded another CD. They were a really tight ensemble, and while I can understand that he moved on to other career opportunities, I think it's a shame that they didn't become a professional band. I guess they were just a bunch of grad students back when I one myself, only this guy didn't drop out of grad school. I've done okay for myself with bands over the years, but since the pandemic it's been slow. Ours is supposedly going to start practicing again, and I hear there will be a big ukulele jam at the Lakeside Cafe again. Things to look forward to!

Speaking of things to look forward to, the photos from my phone have appeared on Boethius my computer. First is the fireplace in our hotel in Jackson, Tennessee that had purple and orange flames.

This is Cotton, the soft-hearted frog, who is the mascot of Green Frog Coffee Company.

Here are some photos of St. Genevieve. These windows were the most beautiful blue at the start of Mass.

This is the plaque all about how old the church is.

Here is a shot of the church from just down the street.

This is the shot of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis that I got as we drove by.

And this is the Old Cathedral in St. Louis.

These magenta and teal flames were at the restaurant we stopped at in Troy, Missouri.

These cookies decorated for Mardi Gras were at the coffee shop in Hannibal, Missouri.

I can't get this photo of our Dutch letter from the Amana Colony to rotate.

Here are the four rosaries I bought at the antiques shop near Palmetto, Florida.

These are the stuffed animals we acquired: a llama from a Kroger's, Pounce the Florida Panther from the Everglades gift shop, and a green lion and pink hippo thrown from the floats at the Mardi Gras parade.

I bought these shells and the friendship bracelet at the Shell Factory because a) they were very cheap, and b) it seemed likely that they would glow under blacklight.

And they do!

Still to come: Travalon's photos from the Everglades and Hannibal and Coe College. Now I should get to bed, although a snowstorm is coming tomorrow so my boss said we could work from home.

Famous Hat

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