Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Dinner with My Former Neighbor


Has anyone ever asked you for a headshot? Do people just have those on hand? I have a really good one that's got to be like fifteen years old, so I feel weird to use it. I asked my coworker who does our web design stuff to take one of me today, but it looked awful. Who knows, maybe I just look awful. Weird, because I'd been eating well the last few days, and usually I look worse after eating sugar. They want a headshot of me because they're going to publish a short article I wrote in Guidepost magazine. It has always been a dream of mine to have something published in Guidepost, and now it's coming true! If I can give them a decent headshot, anyway...

This evening I met my former neighbor, the one I walked with all through the pandemic, for dinner at Bellitalia. She had some train videos she wanted to show me from her extensive travels for the last four months, and she wanted to know what was new in the old neighborhood. She wanted cannoli but I couldn't even finish my pasta so I was going to pass on dessert, yet somehow she convinced me to split the cannoli with her. Then we went to try to find the comet, but we couldn't see it. How are all these people posting photos of it and rhapsodizing about how they can see it with their bare eyes? I tried taking a photo of the western sky, in case a three-second exposure would reveal what my eyes couldn't see, but all I got was a really good photo of the Big Dipper. Rich said the comet should be very bright right now, and people were saying they could even see it in the city, so I don't know why I am not seeing anything. We were all joking that it's a big hoax and there is no comet. It's supposed to be visible for a couple more weeks, but getting fainter every day, so I may still have a chance. Stay tuned...

Famous Hat

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