Sunday, October 13, 2024

Humming with the Harpsichord


Today Travalon and I got going early and went to the Mass closer to us, partly to avoid politics at the Mass in the gym, and partly so we could meet with Tiffy earlier. Then the three of us drove out to Spring Green on Highway 60, since it was cold and blustery out, so we could enjoy the fall colors from the warmth of the car. As we drove, we listened to Weird Al Yankovic doing polka versions of popular songs. In Spring Green we had lunch at the General Store, then we went across the street for chocolates and warm beverages, and then we headed back. We got stuck behind a slow vehicle the whole way from Black Earth to Cross Plains, so Tiffy and I were afraid we wouldn't make it to the early music concert at three, but we just made it. It was harpsichord and viola de gamba, and we both heard what sounded like a male voice now and then, but I couldn't figure out if it was someone talking in the background (there were some people in an adjacent hallway, but the sound continued after they left), or something weird with the acoustics, or if one of the performers was humming. However, I thought the sound was from the side, not the front, and afterwards when people asked questions, one guy sounded like the voice we had heard. After the concert we compared notes, and we had both heard it. Was someone so rude as to hum along?

After Tiffy left for the day, I did a rosary in the house to get some exercise, since it was still blustery and a bit rainy out. I had originally been confused and thought today's concert was in Milwaukee, so I had told the band I'd be out of town and miss practice. However, a bandmate had been at the concert last night, so I told her never mind, I'll be there. And then... I was kind of tired and wished I'd never told her that, so they wouldn't be expecting me. I tried to call her, but her phone kept giving me some weird message about how she didn't have voicemail set up. I tried texting other bandmates, but nobody looks at their phones. Hardingfele didn't even bring hers, so she saw my message when she got home, and she said, "We were all wondering where you were!" Man, I wish I'd never seen my other bandmate at that concert last night! I could have skipped band practice for swimming in the warm pool in peace! Because that is what Travalon and I ended up doing. Then when we got home, I walked around to several songs and somehow got all my steps for the day, on this very low-activity day. No Ice Age Trail hiking for us this weekend!

Famous Hat

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