Friday, March 6, 2009

OPPW (Other People's Plant Worlds)

I have no Friday Lenten reflection today. As the word implies, the source must come from somewhere else (after all, the moon reflects the light of the sun; it does not produce its own) and I have not been struck with inspiration. Rather than bore you with my own pitiful thoughts, I will just show you a picture of a coworker's Plant World. I thought it was so beautiful, with the amaryllis and orchids blooming. If you have a lovely picture of your own Plant World, send it to me and I will happily post it.

The tall plant just behind the amaryllis is an epiphyllum, or orchid cactus. Hers has not bloomed yet, but she got the cutting from a friend whose plant had many gorgeous blooms. Here is a picture of it; she said it blooms at night, for only one night, sometime in August.

I was fascinated by this because I have a mysterious cutting that has grown into a funny-looking plant, sort of like a Christmas cactus that needs to have its hair combed, and I realized it is the same thing. Mine has yet to bloom, but I will keep you posted. My coworker says they must be three years old to bloom, and the plant will be about that age in August. (T says that plant looks like a weed - wait till she sees it bloom!)

Oddly, all my "Christmas" cacti are blooming right now. They have been doing so since November. They must love my Plant World setup! I have heard they love cool temperatures, and I have them right near the window, which is the coldest part of the house...

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Olivia said...

I enjoy these vicariously, sine cats and plants do not mix, sadly.