Monday, April 27, 2009

Nerds and Taoists and Belly Dancers, Oh My!

My office is on the top floor of a very high building, with a window that overlooks a lake. Why am I telling you this? Other than to gloat at my good fortune, it is to give you some idea of what my newest form of self-torture entails: climbing the stairs from the ground floor all the way to my office. This is my latest training idea for the triathlon. (Thought I'd forgotten about that, didn't you?) It never seems to get any easier, but I am less sore after every climb so there must be SOME improvement...

This weekend my Mideastern band played at a science fiction convention, and it was such a success that you couldn't get a nerd in edgewise! (I wish that were original, but I got it from some kid's joke book.) And what science fiction has to do with Mideastern music, gentle readers, I could not tell you, but presumably sci-fi geeks enjoy seeing a belly dancer as much as the next geek. The belly dancer we had this time was really good; my favorite part was when she did a dance with a scimitar (real or fake? I have no idea) that she balanced on her head and even on her hip! Our unreliable drummer didn't make it so we had a bunch of guest drummers, and the guitarist had a family emergency so we had a bass player instead, but despite the fact that many of us had never played together, it seemed to go very well. Anyway, the kids in the audience thoroughly enjoyed doing the Israeli folkdances, but for all I know we were the only kid-friendly thing going on at this convention. We were followed by a pirate act, but I just went home, weirded out by the guy wearing a T-shirt with a picture of Satan on it that said, "God is busy. Can I help you?"

That night I had weird dreams about some woman wearing different shirts boasting about how Taoists are "lower" (presumably more humble) than members of other religions; one sweatshirt just said "Taoist" and then had a flat symbol after it. This is the Ultimate Famous Hat Dream: it combines music, religion, and jokes that aren't really funny! Most of the punchlines in my dreams are off-color, however. What that says about me on a Freudian level, I'd rather not know.

Famous Hat


Olivia said...

Maybe the taoist with a flat on her shirt was just that - a flat chested Taoist. It could have been boobs and no hierarchy at all

Famous Hat said...

I hadn't thought of that... yet another off-color dream?