Thursday, April 30, 2009

True Adventure: Training Day!

Sorry for the silence yesterday, but I was at Training Day all day. Wow, an entire day of "work" for which I was paid and all I had to do was go to classes where they explained that we can't help getting pissed off because of our brain chemistry, and we might as well improve what we are good at and to heck with the stuff we aren't good at. I'll take that kind of training any day! Plus they fed us well.

In one class they had us make a pie chart of our life outside of work and sleep (i.e., the supposedly 72 hours of free time we have every week) to see if it actually matched with our core values. Mine did, but to my surprise everyone else around me seemed shocked that there was no overlap. (One woman had one-fourth of her pie chart taken up with "Watching TV"!) My coworker who makes the beautiful cakes said she thought a venn diagram would represent my life better than a pie chart, since so many areas have overlap, so here is the venn diagram of my life:

Figure 1: Venn diagram of Famous Hat's Leisure Time

Famous Hat

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