Thursday, June 24, 2010

Keith's Romantic Advice Column

My little dracaena marginata Keith now wants to be an advice columnist, doling out words of wisdom to lovelorn flora. I said it could answer some questions in today's post.

Dear Keith:

I am a legume seed and just noticed my next-door neighbor. We have a lot in common: we’re both round and green, we both live in the same structure, and we both hope to sprout. Do you think things will work out for us?


Dear Hopeful:

You sound like two peas in a pod! This could definitely work!


Dear Keith:

I am a tamarack who fell for a beautiful willow down the road, but it left me in the larch! Should I have seen this coming? Are willows bad news?

Timber! (Fell for the Wrong Tree)

Dear Timber:

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: willows will just leave you weeping. Palm trees are the best trees for dates. For a long-term commitment, find yourself a sequoia.


Dear Keith:

I am a pumpkin who asked the melon in our garden patch to marry me, but its family does not approve of interspecies relationships. I begged it to run away with me, but it refused. Is this relationship doomed?


Dear Punky:

What kind of melon are we talking about? Remember that many a melon can’t elope.


OK, Keith, that's enough of that. Maybe you should go back to writing romance novels.

Famous Hat

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