Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Tropical Ancestral Bunny

I have always found it a bit puzzling that rabbits, which are supposedly temperate climate creatures, love tropical fruit so much. Their favorite flavors seem to be banana, papaya, and pineapple. I was saying to Toque McToque that this is very strange, since bunnies and bananas did not evolve together… unless rabbits are truly tropical creatures that somehow found themselves in cold, snowy climes and this is why they are now so bitter. You know, like humans. So my goal is to visit Hawaii to search for the elusive ancestor of today’s lagomorphs. Surely there are still two or three hopping around on the islands, right? I have read many strange theories, but so far as I know, this one is original to me, so I am hoping to get a government grant to fund this science research.

Another bonus: if I lived in Hawaii, I would have easy access to tropical fruit in order to create the line of rabbit treats that will make me a millionaire. Today’s treats come in flavors like carrot and apple, which are OK with my rabbits, but they really prefer the tropical flavors. Judging by what Cashmere loves to eat, I would also have a lot of success making rabbit treats in flavors like Phone Book, Electrical Wire, and Yoga Mat. I’m sure there is a vast, untapped market out there for Yoga Mat Yums, and I am just the one to tap it. And you, my half-dozen (give or take one-fifth of a reader) readers, can say you knew me when!

Famous Hat

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