Thursday, March 10, 2011

Requiem for the State

Looks like my post about the Requiem Boxed Set yesterday was tragically well-timed, because freedom died yesterday in our state.  Hard-working people no longer have the right to gather peacefully to negotiate with their employee, if that employee is the state.  This is just the beginning - soon I will probably face jail time just for writing about my disagreement.  We are heading the way of China, a state so hypocritical that the government will not allow the Dalai Lama to choose his own successor because they say his successor has always been chosen after his death, and they want to preserve the Tibetan culture.  Somehow listening to an officially atheist government come out in favor of reincarnation does not inspire me to believe they have the Tibetans' best interests at heart.  And since when have they wanted to "preserve the Tibetan culture"?  They have only been trying to suppress it since, oh, forever.

On a happier note, the guy who makes the Lego rosaries left a comment on my post about the rosary I bought from him saying that he would give my readers a 10% discount.  So if any of you want one, this is your chance to get a discount!  OK Cap, I know you were thinking of getting one for your nephew.  Check out his comment if you are interested.

Famous Hat

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