Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

Today is Friday the 13th, and so far nothing strange has happened to me all day. Wednesday I was running late for work and then realized I had forgotten my coffee, so I had to run back for it. Then I was sure I would miss the bus, but it was ten minutes late. The only thing different about today was that I realized someone stole the styrofoam coffee cups out of the locked supply closet AGAIN, but then I got an email from the coffee place to order new supplies ten minutes later, so I just ordered some more. So is that bad or good luck? It seems to me that it just cancels out. This thief is driving me crazy, if it is in fact the work of just one person. A couple of weeks ago he (?) stole all the caffeinated tea and just left the herbal stuff behind. However, today the tea with a kick was all safely in the cabinet where it was supposed to be.

Famous Hat

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