Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What Are Your Skillz?

I took a strength test recently that said some things that didn’t surprise me (I am good at music and weak at kinesthetic stuff) and some stuff I didn’t understand (I have strengths in Existentialism and Intrapersonal skills). Here is the list of skills:


When I told Toque McToque about this test, and how I didn’t even know what some of these strengths of mine are, she wondered where the Awesome skills were. This inspired me to come up with what seems like a more relevant list of skills so let’s call them Skillz.

Awesome – I have some of these
Useless – I have tons of these
@$$-Kissing – not a strength of mine
Numbers and Boring Stuff – I am about average in this
@$$-Kicking – this is definitely not my strength!
Talking Your Way Out of Trouble – I’m not so hot at this
I Got Rhythm – yes I do, I got rhythm, how ‘bout you?
Mad Sexy – I don’t have these at all
ESPN - I know what you're thinking

If there is any demand for it, I will create a test so you can determine your own Skillz level.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

hey give me an exam!

Famous Hat said...

OK, I will try to come up with one next week.