Friday, December 28, 2012

Ode to Pizza

Today Toque McToque received the following email at work:

We are not going to close,
but you should come and get
your slices, from the 10th floor break room,
so both lunch times get a good choice.
Once you have your slices,
you  can go back to your desk.

A “BIG THANK YOU” to Scott for buying the pizzas.   

The person who sent this email has a habit of putting “WORDS” in all capitals and quotation marks as if she is being very sarcastic about her “EXCITEMENT” over “FREE” pizza, but what really got Toque and me about the email is how it looks like a poem. I was expecting a paean to pizza, but it is just some mundane instructions in how to acquire pizza written in lines for no apparent reason.  Shouldn’t an actual poem about pizza go more like this?

Oh perfect circle, bringing joy
Wherever your lovely scent wafts
Of vermilion tomato sauce,
Ivory-hued mozzarella cheese,
And mouthwatering crust,
Except to those
Who do not get to share in your bounty.
Then ah, what exquisite torture!
To smell, and not to taste.

Feel free to leave your own odes to pizza in the comments. Light Bright has already supplied one, and I have made a movie of our two poems:

Famous Hat, Pizza Poet


Famous Hat said...

Ode to Pizza by Light Bright:

Oh pizza how you take me back
To grade school and my old backpack
You were always there to celebrate
Lots of things on a white paper plate
And as I've grown you still make me smile
But I've gone from paper to plastic to support a larger pile.

Famous Hat said...

Richard Bonomo, Kathbert, and I came up with this brief poem, which Banjo Player should appreciate:

Ezekiel saw the meal
In the wheel
In the welkin.

Richard Bonomo said...

Rich's poem compiled in my brain while I was brushing my teeth. I know Rich can't smell, but poetic license and all... I think I used his basic concepts.

Yeast in warm water
Tossing of dough
Slathers of sauce
Toppings just so
Rising of crust
Melting of cheese
A smell that makes my tummy cry
Please please please!

Mmmmm... and even a munch
left for breakfast or lunch.

Kathbert via Rich

Hardingfele said...

Smelling the cheese
Tentatively putting my orange paw out to touch
The pink nose wrinkling
Whiskers twitching
Have to take a bite

by Buddy