Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Unicorn Code of Ethics

When I was in sixth grade, I made a papier mache (which comes from the French for “chewed paper,” by the way) unicorn mask that defied gravity. It was so cool, with glitter-festooned cotton for a mane, that I was a unicorn for Halloween for several years, until for reasons I cannot explain Ma Hat took it upon herself to throw it away. Now all these years later, Toque McToque found this unicorn mask for sale. While it is out of stock and not nearly as cool as mine was, I do love the Unicorn Code of Ethics listed underneath it:

  • 1. Unicorns never cheat.
  • 2. Unicorns always lend a helping hand.
  • 3. Unicorns don’t talk to strangers.
  • 4. Unicorns respect the Earth.
  • 5. Unicorns are never late.
  • 6. Unicorns aren’t conceited.
  • 7. Unicorns don’t judge people.
  • 8. Unicorns always give 100%.
  • 9. Unicorns graze on peace and love.
  • 10. Unicorns don’t do drugs.
So if you are going to pose as a unicorn, remember that you must adhere to this code.

Famous Hat


The Sith Photographer said...

The unicorns were to nice... They didn't believe in wars. That is why they are extinct. We must keep their memory alive!

Famous Hat said...

Apparently the unicorn's lair is in North Korea. Who knew?
