Friday, February 8, 2013

"Who is Bob Marley?" Month

The Ubiquitous Richard Bonomo’s birthday is coming up (on Mardi Gras this year!) and I was having trouble thinking of a theme. We had already done the obvious ones, like Lincoln, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Mardi Gras, and a luau (since he once lived in Hawaii). And of course we wanted to avoid Valentine’s Day as a birthday party theme. In desperation I asked Travalon if he had any ideas, and he had a fantastic one: Jamaica, since February is Bob Marley Month.  The theme was not a surprise, so we told Rich, and his email response to one of the people helping me organize the party was: “I am afraid the name ‘Bob Marley’ does not ring any bells for me…” She sent us all an email saying “So, then I thought we could say ‘February is national “Who is Bob Marley?” month.’” To which Kathbert replied, “Who is Bob Marley? And why does he have a month?” My response was to send her the link to the Wikipedia article on Bob Marley. When I told Light Bright about this, she said, “I thought Bob Marley was a household name!” Guess not in some households.

Famous Hat

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