Thursday, June 19, 2014

Cashmere's Daring Escape

For those of you most interested in things Irish, I will post some more photos of Ireland – and Scotland! – most likely this weekend. Hopefully some of my readers enjoy cute pet stories, because that’s what I have to blog about today. In the evenings we have been letting Cashmere the Rabbit come out into the living room of the condo; at first she was kind of scared, but now I don’t even have to bring her out, I just leave the door to the screened-in porch open, and out she hops. So this morning I went to give her the daily piece of banana she always demands, and to my surprise she slipped by me and escaped into the condo. I said, “Banana, Cashmere!” but she was more interested in freedom than the banana. And believe me, very little is more appealing to Cashmere than a banana! I let her roam around for a few minutes then told her it was time to go home, and to my surprise she very cooperatively hopped back out onto the porch. We haven’t rabbit-proofed the condo yet, so I don’t want her out wandering about it while we aren’t home to supervise.

Famous Hat

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