Thursday, August 1, 2019

Pizza in Paradise and a Sunset Boat Ride

Travalon reminded me that I was going to blog about two weird things that happened to us last weekend. The first was when we went to the drive-thru ATM at our credit union; there is a second ATM lane, and nobody was in that one, but for some reason a woman pulled in behind us and waited impatiently for us to finish, since Travalon was taking cash from two different accounts. We couldn't understand it - why was she waiting angrily behind us when nothing was keeping her from using the other ATM? The second thing was when we went to Greek Fest, and we parked really closely behind another person, but we figured there wasn't any room for someone to park in front of him so it didn't matter. Just after we parked, a tiny car pulled in and parked in front of the other guy, so then he was tightly trapped between us. Who would have thought that would happen? We didn't stay at the festival too long, partly because we wanted to make sure that guy could get out... and as soon as we pulled out from behind him, so he could back out, another person pulled right in and parked him in again. I hope that guy was going to be at the festival for the whole day...

Today started out really strangely. I couldn't find the earrings I was going to wear this morning, and they matched the necklace I was wearing, so I had to put on a different necklace to match the earrings I could find. Then I opened a new bag of coffee and noticed for the first time that it was decaf. Decaf! What is the point? I brewed it anyway... and then I forgot it at home. Travalon stuck it into the fridge for me, and now I am drinking it, since it won't keep me up.

However, the day got better. I found there was coffee to brew at work, and a coworker lent me some cream. It was so good! At lunchtime I went to the Union Terrace, where Miss Heartsong was hanging out. I said how before I got married, married people told me there were pluses and minuses to being married, but now I can't see any disadvantages, and she agreed. We postulated that maybe married friends say that to single friends to keep them from feeling bad. So I'm sorry to hurt my single readers' feelings, but being married is WAY better than being single. Now you know.

In the evening Travalon and I met at the community gardens, where on Thursday evenings they make pizzas in a pizza oven, using fresh ingredients from the garden. A woman was playing classical music on the cello, and it felt like we were in paradise, with all the flowers and butterflies. And the margarita pizza was so delicious! Then we were going to see Banana Wind play, but on the way we saw the $5 boat rides were going on tonight, and that sounded like even more fun. It was a perfect night, and the sunset was spectacular. I will post some pictures soon. The boat ride took longer than we expected, so we had to rush to the co-op to buy some caffeinated coffee, and I didn't get a chance to powder my nose. Then things got weird again, because of course there was a train. Of course! But we got to the co-op just in the nick of time, and I powdered my nose and then ground the coffee while Travalon ran to pick up some other things we needed before they closed the store. So overall it was a wonderful day.

Famous Hat

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