Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Robot Delivery and Lake Wisconsin

Here is a video of the delivery robot bidding us adieu. The website won't let me post the video of him greeting us because it is too long, so I will have to make it a YouTube video at some point.

One of my coworkers has a whiteboard on her door, and I had to leave my office briefly so they could fix my cracked ceiling tile, so I went and drew on it about my experience with the robot. I guess in this picture I am the very cold Martian.

Here are some pictures of Lake Wisconsin. This one shows nearly all of the lake from the park in Merrimac.

I tried to take a panoramic photo, but something went wrong, so it looks like a headless Travalon is about to be swallowed by a tsunami.

This is a picture of Lib Cross Island in the Wisconsin River.

And here are some shots I took from the Merrimac Ferry. The sun was going down, so the lighting isn't that good, but I have never seen these views with snow before.

Finally, today at lunch I stopped into the School of Human Ecology, where they had a Day of the Dead display just like last year. I know I posted this main altar last year, but it's so pretty that I am doing it again. Last year I wrote Mr. Why's name on a silk rose petal to put on the altar; this year I wrote the name of a professor I had who really influenced me and who just died about a week ago.

People had created their own little dioramas of altars, and I took a picture of a couple of particularly colorful ones.

Famous Hat

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