Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Robot Delivery Video

Here, at long last, is the video of the robot delivering our lunch. It's kind of ridiculous: we all laugh when the robot greets us, and then they are handing me my food while I'm trying to film. But you can see how cute the robot is. The video was just a little too long to load directly onto my blog, so I had to put it on YouTube first, but I cut it off thinking it would be short enough to put on the blog, so it ends kind of abruptly. The magic length seems to be just under one minute.

So today I was reading an article about how Millennials are really into astrology, and it had a link to this webpage. The headlines alone made me laugh. Some of them really seemed to match my friends and me! If you need a good laugh, read your sign. Or that of your significant other, or best friend, or worst enemy. They don't all seem accurate - Kathbert's didn't sound anything like her - but Rich's is scary accurate. Haven't we always said he's an alien?

Famous Hat

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