Sunday, February 9, 2020

Black Light Friday

It is snowing hard today, so Travalon and I just went to Mass nearby and then to the co-op for groceries, and now we are holed up at home. We did have a fun time on Friday and Saturday, so we don't mind having a relaxing Sunday.

I did finish the puzzle, but one piece is missing. See if you can find it.

Friday night Travalon and I met Jilly Moose and OK Cap for dinner at Dubai, then we went to Adult Swim at the Children's Museum. The theme this month was black lights, and I brought a shirt and decorated it there. They had a screen print to make a heart, and then paints of various neon colors to fill it in. Also, a girl who was leaving as we were coming in gave me her light-up headband.

Here are the shirts OK Cap and Jilly Moose made.

Travalon made himself a necklace that glows in black light!

And this is what I looked like in the dark, with the light-up headband and the light-up pin I made (they were out of headbands by the time we got there, so we just made pins), and the necklace I got from someone.

And this is what my shirt looks like in regular light.

That was so much fun! Then Saturday I got up a bit late and forgot about the "rainforest drums" concert at Olbrich Gardens until seeing a reminder on social media, so we rushed over there and caught the second half. I asked if we could pay half price for half the concert, so they charged us the kids' rate of $3 each. For some reason I thought it would be Amazon natives drumming, but it was people from Ghana - well, that's in the rainforest too! And I love those "Satanic" African rhythms. Check it out:

We got free admission to the greenhouse with our concert admission, and they were having a special orchid display. I took some photos:

They also had half-price memberships, so we are now members. Then we drove to Milwaukee to meet Tiffy, and the three of us had lunch at Shorewood Bakery. Travalon went to a bookstore and to the lakefront and to Miller Stadium to check out historical plaques, while Tiffy and I walked to the University campus for Early Music Now's silent auction and a concert of French Baroque music based on the story of the Odyssey. Like last year, I bid on a sailboat ride on Lake Michigan, and like last year, nobody outbid me. Tiffy bid on tickets to the Early Music Festival, but she got outbid. Then Travalon picked us up, and we went to a Chinese restaurant that was shockingly unpopular - nobody else came in the entire time we were there. It is an old, well-known restaurant, so we wondered what was going on until it occurred to Tiffy after we left that maybe people are afraid of the coronavirus from Wuhan. How sad if all the Chinese restaurants go out of business because of the virus! Hopefully people get over their fear soon and go back to eating there.

And I realized that I had never made a video of the little delivery robots rolling around, so here are two for you. The first one was when it came by as I was waiting at the bus stop.

Oh no! It's coming for me!

Famous Hat

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