Tuesday, May 17, 2022

My Random Skill Set


Today as I was walking around on campus, I saw more flowers: a tulip, some redbuds, and a horse chestnut tree.

Friday evening as we were driving to Roxbury, I mentioned to Travalon that his car didn't seem to be handling right. He said maybe the road was rough, but I was sure something was wrong with his suspension. Suddenly I remembered that he had taken the hitch off the back that morning, and that's why it felt different. When I told this story to Rich and Kathbert, I said, "I feel very 'Princess and the Pea.' But how can I parlay this weird skill into a lucrative career?" and Kathbert said, "You have to market your butt to auto makers." I said all my mad skillz are random and mostly not marketable, although when Hockey Girl and I used to go to wine tastings, we would write down our impressions before reading what the professionals said, and I always got one thing they mentioned: if they said, "Notes of cherry," I would have written down, "tastes like cherries," and if they said, "Overtones of oak," I would have noted an oaken flavor. I said maybe I should have been a sommelier, and Kathbert could have been one with me, because we both have sensitive taste buds, but she pointed out that we wouldn't want to spit out the wine after tasting it because we both hate waste. Rich was horrified: "You have to spit the wine out?!?" Kathbert pointed out that nobody wants a sloshed sommelier, but she and I would rather be sloshed than waste all that delicious wine!

Our university has named a new Chancellor, and immediately one of the biggest jerks in the state legislature threw a hissy fit over the Regents' choice. His reason? Because she worked on a lot of projects that fight racism. Interesting times we live in when being opposed to racism is considered a negative quality! If anyone wonders why space aliens haven't made contact with us yet, I submit this as Exhibit A. Why would another race of beings want to meet us when we can't even treat another race of humans well? I will admit that when I heard the police stopped that Buffalo shooter from killing himself after he had killed ten people just for being black, I thought, "Why did they bother?" The real question is why they can always seem to bring in active shooters alive when they are white, but they can't use that same technique on unarmed black men who may or may not have used a counterfeit bill to pay for cigarettes. I did note that a right wing news site sent an email about the Buffalo "mass murder" in scare quotes, and this was before I had learned that the victims were black, so the scare quotes puzzled me. How could it be an alleged murder if he shot ten people in cold blood? Then when I learned more about the incident, it made sense, since this news site doesn't consider it murder if a white person kills a black person or ten - it must be justified, in their minds. If I were a space alien, and I observed that, I'd be like, "That's a hard nope - not making contact with them!!"

Famous Hat

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